What Are the Causes of a Fever Blister?

A fever blister is a viral infection caused around the mouth area. The symptoms vary with the intensity and the occurrence. The virus responsible for fever blister stays in the human body in an inactive stage even after the infection subsides.

In this post, we will look at the causes of fever blisters along with the fever blisters treatments.

What are fever blisters?

Fever blisters are small white-colored blisters that arise due to the herpes simplex virus. They can be painful or itchy. There are two variants of the herpes virus which cause fever blisters – herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

Once a fever blister occurs, the white liquid and the swelling stay approximately for two weeks. During this time, the individual can experience fever, lip swelling, sore throat, and tongue pain. In some individuals, headaches and nausea are also observed.

Reasons for fever blisters

The primary cause of fever blisters is the virus. It lies in an inactive stage and can be triggered by various internal and external factors and medical conditions:

• Sun exposure

• Dental treatments

• Hormone imbalances

• Stress and depression

• Autoimmune diseases

• Skin burns

• HIV and sexually transmitted diseases

• Reduced immunity due to old age or diseases

• Pregnancy

Fever blisters stay in the body for two weeks and exhibit various symptoms at different stages of the infection:

• In the initial stages: Itching and tickling feeling around the mouth

During the infection: Blisters with fluid appear at the infected spot which can be painful and itchy.

Later stages of the infection: The fluid starts drying up and the skin hardens and peels into pink color.

Doctors inspect the severity of the infection and suggest various antiviral medicines as the treatment. Medicines such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex) are proven fever blister treatments.

Fever blisters can last for two weeks without the usage of medicines. With the usage, the symptoms can subside faster and gives quick relief. If the individual does not seek medical help and the immunity fails to fight the viral infection, it can demand hospitalization. Intravenous medication turns indispensable under such circumstances.

When should you approach the doctor?

In case of severe symptoms such as the following, consult a doctor for fever blisters treatments immediately:

• Unbearable pain

• Frequent recurrence

• Pregnant or lactating

• Unable to swallow or drink

• Blisters near eyes

Fever blisters remedies at home

Unfortunately, cold blisters are not preventable. They spread through oral sex or keep recurring once an individual is infected. However, there are various fever blister treatments to practice at home. Let us understand them in detail.

Zinc supplements

Zinc aids in improving the natural immunity of the human body. Under viral infections such as herpes, zinc plays a crucial role in alleviating viral infection.

Zinc can be taken in the form of oral supplements under a doctor’s supervision. Furthermore, topical creams that are rich in zinc help find relief from the blisters.

Ice pack

Fever blisters can be painful. Ice helps to attain relief from fever blisters effectively.

To use ice as a treatment for fever blisters, wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and apply gently to the infected area. The ice numbs the pain though it does not subside the infection.

A word of caution here: The maximum time to apply ice on the blisters is not more than 15 minutes.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is purported to be an effective antiviral oil. It is safe for external use in case of viral infections. Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and apply it to the blisters 2-3 times a day to cure them faster.

Tips to keep in mind during fever blisters

Fever blisters can be contagious. They can spread through direct contact or oral sex. The first infection is always the severest. Recurrent infections can be milder. Keep the following pointers in mind when suffering from fever blisters:

• Avoid touching or pricking the blisters.

• Focus on destressing if stress is a trigger for the recurrence of fever blisters.

• Consume an immunity-boosting diet to fight infection faster.

• Do not delay the medication till the infection worsens.


Though there is no prevention for fever blisters, proper care, and timely medication can avoid the complications due to the infection. Seek expert medical advice if you are nursing, pregnant, or suffering from multiple health conditions before exploring these home remedies for fever blisters.