Stop Waiting For Cord Blood Donors – Go For Cord Blood Storage Now
In recent years, a growing number of parents have been making the crucial decision of going for cord blood storage. With the development of advanced methods for biologic storage, it is a more convenient option than waiting for a cord blood donor. Moreover, there will be no issues with compatibility and fewer instances of graft rejection if it becomes necessary to use cord blood in the future for treating many health conditions.
What is cord blood?
Cord blood is the blood that remains in the detached umbilical cord after the birth of a baby. This blood contains stem cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Of all these cells, the stem cells can replicate, differentiate, and develop into other types of cells. That makes them invaluable in the cell therapies for many advanced medical treatments for various serious diseases.
Harvesting stem cells from the cord blood is a more straightforward and non-invasive procedure than the painful procedure of extracting them from an adult’s bone marrow. Additionally, since these stem cells are younger, they can replicate for an extended period.
Why should you store cord blood?
You should store cord blood to safeguard against diseases or health conditions that your child could suffer as they grow older. Cord blood storage may be especially crucial if your child has or is likely to acquire a hereditary condition. It could be a potentially life-saving measure since the doctors could use the stored cord blood in therapies to treat their disorder.
Even if there is no treatment for the condition currently, there is a strong possibility it will be available in the future. Medical researchers have been making great strides in research and clinical trials and already using cord blood to treat cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cerebral palsy, autism, and many other health conditions. They are likely to discover many new uses for cord blood in medical treatments in the coming years.
It is essential to keep in mind, though, that your child can only use their cord blood for any treatment they might undergo. Due to innate organic differences, other cord blood will not be compatible with them, and the chances of bodily rejection will be high.
How do you store cord blood?
You can store cord blood at -196°C in a cryogenic freezer in special umbilical cord banks. At this temperature, the cells become metabolically inactive and can remain in a suspended state practically forever. Depending on your requirements, you can store the umbilical cord blood for a year, more than ten years, or for a lifetime. Many cord bank companies offer different cord blood storage options or allow for storage option customization to suit the needs of their customers.
The cost of storing cord blood can vary, with some companies offering affordable cord blood bank rates of $19.99/month. According to what suits your budget, you can make a monthly, yearly, or make a lifetime payment.
What is the procedure for storing cord blood?
After deciding to go for cord blood storage, you can contact the cord bank company for a blood collection kit. You can give it to the medical team assisting with the birth of your child. As soon as the baby is born, the doctor or the nurse will use the blood collection kit to collect the cord blood from the umbilical cord. The cord bank company will send a courier to pick up the sample and take it to their nearest laboratories for processing. The laboratory will process it and have it ready for storage within 24 hours.
The cord bank will use advanced liquid nitrogen cryopreservation methods to preserve the umbilical cord blood. They will send you a report of the cord blood cell analysis from the laboratory, detailing the amount of blood in the sample, the exact cell count, and the viability of the cells. They will also provide you with a unique number of the bank that will store your sample, so you will have no trouble locating it when you need it in the future. When you need to use the cord blood, the bank will thaw it from the frozen state, and the cells will become active again.